
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.

Photos of Previous Learning

D&T - Baking Gingerbread Houses

Year 6’s DT unit this half term is to design, bake and construct a gingerbread house. We have used the new food technology facilities for a baking session. The children really enjoyed measuring their ingredients and using their own templates to make their houses.

Science - Lava Lamps

Famous Scientist Day

Candlemas Worship

Year 6 took part in a Candlemas worship. They heard Luke’s Gospel account of Jesus being presented as the ‘light of all nations’. They reflected on how they can be this light in our world today.

World Space Week

As part of World Space Week, year 6 conducted a paper rocket investigation. They investigated whether the greater weight and air space of one rocket would result in it travelling further than a lighter rocket with less air space.

Remembrance Day

As part of Remembrance Day, year 6 designed a triptych based on the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ which was written by John McCrae. Each image of the triptych represented a stanza of the poem. The children read the poem together and then came up with their own interpretation of each stanza.
