
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.

Photos from Previous Year

God's World

As part of our Creation unit we went on a walk to spot some of the beautiful things in God's world.


We learned the names of different animals we might see in Autumn. Some of the children made a nest for our toy hedgehog after they watched a film of a hedgehog collecting leaves and twigs for his nest.

Bread Making

After reading the Little Red Hen we decided to make our own bread, and of course had fun tasting it!

Meeting the hens

We followed a photo trail and discovered that we have our own school hens. One is just like the Little Red Hen!


Our story introduced us to diva lamps, so we made some of our own in the dough area.

How we grow

We explored how we grow from babies into adults. Mrs Blandford brought her baby into see us so we could see what he could or couldn't do.

Our School Chapel

We visited the chapel to learn about what the inside of a church might look like.

Stay and Play

Each term we invite parents into school to enjoy some activities with their children, and discuss their progress.


Our Catholic Life pledge was to bring in an unwanted toy to share with a child less fortunate.

Santa's Elf

We came in one morning to find mysterious footsteps and a parcel. We discovered that Santa had sent us a trainee elf to look after!
